Louisiana Music
(8 - 11 years old)
Course created by: Preservation Hall
Black history
Critical thinking
Music & dance
per class (number of sessions varies)
What’s Being Taught in this class?
Take students on a musical journey of technical, physical, and personal growth. Developed in partnership with Preservation Hall, this class is designed to encourage music creativity, exploration, improvisation, inquiry, and collective collaboration. Students will also learn how historically music has been used as a tool to bring communities together for social change. Lessons are designed with the support of Preservation Hall musicians who not only bring subject matter expertise but foster the history and culture of New Orleans music traditions.
Current Class Schedule
Our Classes consist of number of sessions varies each.
Through the examination of music - the lyrics, beats and rhythms of the times, you will explore the reclamation of culture and power of post-colonized Africa. Dive into the rise of the African feminist movement throughout the continent and the soundtrack that defined the times. By the end of the class, you will create a customized playlist to depict a story of independence and triumph.
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